Wieder großes Interesse an Neuigkeiten …
Presentation of new products, training …
While Re-source exhibited at Auto Equip in Paris, Olanders presented new products in Denmark.
New catchment areas are available …
Training for Greek partner at SEDA
With the new SEDA AC Remover for R1234yf & R134a SEDA brings an innovation on the market.
Every autumn the BDSV invites its members to the meeting in Hohenroda.
From 15th to 18th of September 2015, the IFAT took place in Johannesburg (South Africa) for the first time.
Together with customers from all regions of the Czech Republic SEDA distributor RPJ paid a visit to the market leader in Austria.
On September 8th, SEDA-production manager Sepp Kogl from Kössen celebrated his 60th birthday. A gift basket was presented to him by the SEDA management .
Part of the SEDA-workforce went on to Spielberg to relive the acrobats of the Air Race at close range.
Considering the environmental aspect, SEDA changes from yellow to white galvanizing!