SEDA with partner S.A.R.E. at IFAT South Africa

From 15th to 18th of September 2015, the IFAT took place in Johannesburg (South Africa) for the first time. SEDA was represented by Peter Kaltenegger and new distributor SOUTH AFRICAN RECYCLING EQUIPMENT (S.A.R.E.).

sareS.A.R.E. is a leading company in scrap recycling, machinery and the processing market. The company’s vision is to enhance and commercialize the recycling industry in South Africa. The machines are custom designed and projected according to their customer’s needs in order to ensure the correct effective and efficient solutions to scrap treatment and materials recovery are achieved. These solutions are based on proven systems and practises that are at the same time cost effective and environmentally sound. A balance between the utilisation of cutting-edge technology and the ongoing need for sustainable job creation is evident in every aspect of SARE operations.
IFAT is a Forum and Exhibition on Environmental Technologies and is expected to be performed once a year in South Africa. Other locations are Munich, Mumbai, Ankara and Shanghai.
Link: S.A.R.E.

S.A.R.E. employees with SEDA Deputy Managing Director Peter Kaltenegger (far right)

Immer am Ball

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