Category: Network
SEDA welcomes a NEW Distributor for Benelux
We would like to celebrate ADD-Benelux joining SEDA Distributors’ family to focus on the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg! ADD-Benelux will take care of delivery, service and maintenance of Seda depollution stations and vehicle dismantling equipment. The support of ADD-Benelux in the Netherlands is especially important since almost all SEDA stations have been handed over by ARN…
SEDA at ISRI 2018 in Las Vegas
The largest trade fair in North America took place this year in Las Vegas.
ImportersTalk with Wichary Technologies
Early April our Polish importer Wichary Technologies was in Kössen
ImportersTalk with RPJ Service s.r.o.
Our Czech importer was guest in January
Czech Car Dismantlers in Kössen
Together with customers from all regions of the Czech Republic SEDA distributor RPJ paid a visit to the market leader in Austria.
Polish distributor visited SEDA HQ
Seit einigen Jahren vertritt Wichary Technologies Sp. z.o.o. die SEDA Gruppe sehr erfolgreich in Polen.
Visit from Brazil and Scandinavia
At the end May there was a hive of activity in the SEDA headquarters in Kössen.