CARS 2021 – 28.-29. September, Stoneleigh Park

SEDA Environmental UK Ltd exhibited their state of the art MDS8 mobile container. This versatile piece of equipment can be loaded and unloaded quickly and efficiently from a hook loader (roll on roll off vehicle). It can be dropped at any ATF facility with out any need for storage tanks or power as this all in one unit deals with that by carrying both the tank farm and the power source for operation.

The MDS8 comes complete with all equipment to depollute any vehicle fully consisting off the SEDA fuel drill on swing arm, double waste oil funnels and a gearbox drilling machine for the vehicles that have no drain key on the gearboxes to complete the fluid drainage. Coolant lances and wiper fluid removal tools for coolant and screen wash recovery. The SEDA shock absorber tool for drilling and removing the shock absorber oil is also attached on the oil awing arm and connected to the waste oil line so recovery is quick and clean. A catalytic converter cutter also fitted to a swing arm for easy use is incorporated inside the unit to make light work of cat cutter removal. The swing arm carries the cutter and allows the operator to move it both upwards and rotational so not having to carry or lift the cutter making it more ergonomic for the operator. The container also has the Air conditioning recovery unit giving you the potential for full depollution and recovery of all fluids and gasses. The vehicle lift within the container allows for low level and high level processing and efficient processing of vehicles. 

For all enquiries or information on all SEDA equipment please call Tony on 07502023859 or email on

CARS is the biggest trade event ever staged for auto recyclers and secondary material processors in Europe. Leading auto recyclers have shaped CARS to deliver what they feel is neglected at other events – an event where your industry takes centre stage – where equipment is seen working in an working environment and visitors can learn about the latest technologies in the market. The event brings together all disciplines that make up the auto recycling and material processing, uniting international industry professionals.

SEDA presented the new MDS8 Container at CARS 2021

Some impressons …

Immer am Ball

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