Czech Car Dismantlers in Kössen

Together with customers from all regions of the Czech Republic SEDA distributor RPJ paid a visit to the market leader in Austria. On September 9, 2015 there was a hive of activity in the premises of SEDA. Czech recyclers took a close look at the entire recycling process of scrap cars in the showroom in Ebbs and at the headquarters in Kössen. This included a presentation of our new products like the SEDA All-in-One Solution (the first complete solution for de-pollution and dismantling), the SEDA LPG Recovery System CLASS plus and the SEDA MDS2 Jumboline. We want to thank Marek Valerian, Jan Zahrada (RPJ) and all customers for their visit. Contact: RPJ service s.r.o. Za Vinicí 388 26712 Lodenice Czech Republic Link:

RPJ and its customers visit SEDA


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