Provides a safe disassembly solution for both critical and non-critical lithium-ion energy storage systems

SEDA HV Battery Disassembly Table with cooling basin

The HV battery disassembly table is designed to minimize risks in the event of a fire or overheating, such as a “thermal runaway“, in both damaged and undamaged high-voltage energy storage systems.

Activation of the safety mechanism can be done manually via a button or optionally through a CO2 activation unit or a thermal imaging camera.

Battery maneuvering plate
Roller grid
Limit stoppers
Trigger box
Galvanized basin with a capacity of
2.980 liters
Forklift mounts

Technical Data

Work platform size8.85 x 6.23 x 3 ft
U-Mount frame size4.70 x 4.2 x 3 ft
Max. battery size8.69 x 6.07 ft
Load capacitymax. 2200lbs
Coolant volume787 usg
Trigger mechanismCO²
Trigger temperature154°F

Order Number

A-527795SEDA HV Battery disassembly table with cooling basin
A-527795-30Feeder table
C-527764Manual lift table
C-527706Pneumatic lift table
C-527955Electric lift table
A-527879SEDA HV camera


Additional iNFORMATION

In the event of a malfunction during the disassembly process, the HV storage unit can be safely lowered into the water basin. The basin can then be removed from the building using a forklift. If the energy storage unit needs to remain on the disassembly table, for example, overnight, an automatic lowering mechanism is triggered if the temperature exceeds 68°C. This is activated by thermal fuses or a camera system, ensuring the energy storage unit is safely submerged in the basin.

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