With the help of SEDA's TestingCases vehicles can be tested for radiator system pressure and temperature.
SEDA ProofingPlugs
Sebastian Raubinger2022-06-24T10:50:47+02:00SEDA offers you conical and cylindrical proofing plugs.
SEDA RadiatorTensionClamps
Sebastian Raubinger2016-11-30T10:28:56+01:00SEDA RadiatorTensionClamps are selfcentering tension clamps for fixing water tanks in the event of radiator repairs.
SEDA FibreglassSolderBrush
Sebastian Raubinger2016-02-09T09:33:07+01:00The Fibre Glass Solder Brush ist an efficient and fire resistant soldering tool. The fibres are as long as half of the brush. When they get shorter due to wear, it is possible to pull them out and so the brush can be used longer.
SEDA TestingTankPowder
Sebastian Raubinger2016-01-14T10:58:40+01:00The TestingTankPowder gives the water flourescent green, neutralizes acid and residuals of solder fluid, prevents corrosion and accelerates the sedimentation of dirt particles.
SEDA RadiatorCleaningPistol
Sebastian Raubinger2016-01-14T11:03:59+01:00The Radiator Cleaning Pistol acts as a high pressure cleaner, which flushes and cleans your radiator. Due to the 2 included special attachments, punctual or comprehensive cleaning is possible.
SEDA VCS Steering Tester
Sebastian Raubinger2022-06-24T10:57:48+02:00With this brand new testing unit you are able to check, whether a steering is functioning correct or not within minutes.
SEDA Adaptors
Sebastian Raubinger2017-11-08T11:00:55+01:00SEDA currently offers two different versions as an adaptor between the reservoir and SEDA plug.