The SEDA EasyDrain is an ideal solution to drain End-of-life vehicles (ELV) of all liquids.
Specially developed and focused on smaller dismantlers, the SEDA EasyDrain concept is very successful. The engineering and economic challenge was to find an optimal combination for a clean, efficient, but fast and cost-effective solution. This Drainage station fulfills all this requirements.
With the EasyDrain you can process up to 30 vehicles a day. The approval SEDA technology removes up to 98% of all fluids without spilling a drop.
With the EasyDrain you can process up to 30 vehicles a day. The approval SEDA technology removes up to 98% of all fluids without spilling a drop.
Item number
For questions about the product and to orderItem number
A-51027 SEDA EasyDrain BasicA-51026 SEDA EasyDrain Compact