Quality and Service is our mission
We are a leading company in terms of services!
As a service leader in our branch, it is self-evident for us, that all our activities and decisions are based on
the human being. Therefore, we take care: of our customers, of our employees, of the environment in
which we live, and of the whole society. This is not a marketing strategy, but an essential part of our
corporate identity, which is lived daily by all employees. We see ourselves as a driving force against the
trend of reducing services and standardization. We also make a commitment to better services in order
to emphasize individuality and keep it in the long term.
Our employees are a guarantee success!
The basis of our actions is our will to learn constantly, and our interest in taking new paths. This is why we
encourage our employees to contribute new ideas and continually improve all processes. Leading companies
are characterized by the quality of their employees as well as by the quality of their executives.
With the customer in dialogue!
We have a partnership with our customers. Your needs determine our actions and this is the focus of our
business processes. We react to wishes and suggestions, but also criticism of our customers. Maximum
customer satisfaction through service & quality is our top priority.
„We are proud to carry the service brand: „Leading Company of Austria“. It is a conrmation that we offer special services and that we are on a directional path towards the establishment of a new service culture – regional, national and international.““